Inspirational Website of the Week: Snig.digital
Beautiful colors, typography and design details make this website a shiny experience. Our pick this week.

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State of JavaScript 2022 Survey
The 2022 edition of the State of JavaScript survey is now open! Participate to help get more reliable and representative results.

An Interactive Guide to Flexbox in CSS
Josh W Comeau created this action-packed interactive tutorial to Flexbox.

Design Threads
A collaborative report unraveling the state of design today.

The evolution of scalable CSS
A deep dive into the problems with scaling CSS on large projects. Understand the evolution of CSS best practices.

Creating a 2D physics engine from scratch in JavaScript
Learn how to create a simple toy 2D Physics engine in JavaScript.

Tree views in CSS
Learn how to create a tree view (collapsible list) using only HTML and CSS.

Transparent videos for web
Yuri Artiukh shows how to make videos transparent for a super cool effect.

Experimenting with layering, filtering, and masking in CSS
Jeff Zych dives into some very interesting CSS techniques that create stunning looking result.

Transform your photos into beautiful works of watercolor art.

A very cool website with some 3D goodness made in Webflow by Diego Toda de Oliveira.

Layout & Grid in Design Systems
Brad Frost explores how hard, easy and weird grids for design systems are.

With Postcard you can create a personal website with a newsletter.

An incredible, ever-expanding animation scene depicting the everyday life of the 796th floor of the huge space station.

Mathics is a free, open-source general-purpose computer algebra system featuring Mathematica®-compatible syntax and functions.

The Spellcaster
The Spellcaster by Arno Di Nunzio is an amazing WebGL experience using Three.js.

A very interesting article on forking Chrome to turn HTML into SVG.

Making Static Noise From a Weird CSS Gradient Bug
Temani Afif explores some tricks that leverage a bug regarding the way CSS gradients handle sub-pixel rendering to create a static noise effect.

Automatically Deploy Apps to VPS with Git Triggers & Coolify
An introduction to Coolify, a project that can deploy custom applications based on Git events. By Austin Gil.

Almost monospaced: the perfect fonts for writing
Blake Watson explores using “almost” monospaced fonts for writing.

The Joy of Windows Errors
A fun demo made by Jon Kantner.

From Our Blog
Inline Layout Switch Ideas
Two ideas for animating images from an inline layout to a column or grid-based one.