Collective #665

Collective 665 item image

3D Force-Directed Graph

A web component to represent a graph data structure in a 3-dimensional space using a force-directed iterative layout. It uses Three.js for 3D rendering.

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Collective 665 item image


Fig adds VSCode-style autocomplete to your existing terminal.

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A “post-modern” modal text editor where the whole design is based around multiple selections as an editing primitive.

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Request Quest

The game is pretty simple: look at some code & decide if it would trigger an HTTP request in the latest stable release of particular browsers.

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A free and open source Airtable alternative that can turn any SQL database into a smart spreadsheet. Supports MySQL, Postgres, SQL server, MariaDB & SQLite.

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Kalker is a calculator that supports user-defined variables, functions, ambiguous syntax, derivation and integration. It runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and in web browsers (with WebAssembly).

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